Dustin Oliver
Dustin Oliver is a Dinè tribal member. He was born and raised in Waawiiyaatanong (Detroit), where his father worked as a sergeant and his mother as a dispatcher for the police force. Dustin’s work centers care for animals and the environment. He currently provides rehabilitation for injured, neglected and stray dogs through his organization Detroit Youth and Dog Rescue. Dustin’s passion for healing doesn’t just extend to our canine friends. He uses sacred plant medicine to care for his community in both a medicinal and an Indigenous ceremonial capacity. Critical legislation surrounding cannabis and entheogenic substances motivate Dustin to vote come election time. That’s not the only reason Dustin has for hitting the polls. Dustin is a visionary who is bringing his dream of a radically equitable and sustainable community to life. The public can expect to see this cooperative in action by 2022 under the name Nizhóní Global. In order to build this reality he exercises his right to vote to weigh in on both local and national issues that will impact his goals.
Photography: Indigenous-owned Northern Territory Imaging
Editing & portfolio design: Jessyca Stoepker, Mission Control
All models were paid for their time and likeness.
All photos and bios are displayed with permission.
If you have questions about the Rock the Native Vote project at Miigwech, Inc., please contact us.